2 March 2020 Monday

Started by KathyB, Mar 02, 2020, 09:57 AM

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Today is a lovely, chilly Monday morning. It snowed maybe a quarter of an inch last night, which is enough so that one can distinguish the cars that were parked outside, but not enough to do anything to the roads or sidewalks.

I did not finish my laundry over the weekend, so I get to finish it today. (I know everybody here has been keeping track of my laundry.)


After work I took advantage of the warm temperatures and took a quick walk.  I thought it wasn't going to be as warm today but now I see we'll be in the 50s for the next couple of days.  In fact, right now, at 2:12 a.m.  it is 49F.   :o
I no longer long for the old view!