25 August 2022 Archive Thursday

Started by KathyB, Aug 25, 2022, 07:07 PM

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Today I am spending time burning archive DVDs of some of my work projects. The only thing that's remarkable about this is that I have to burn one of them twice, because the first time something went wrong with the process. I realize that this is an antiquated way of archiving stuff, and that most people would just put it in the cloud. However, I am too cheap to spend any money on cloud storage. It's also not stuff that I need to have readily available at all times.

I found the Kleenex and the kettle corn (that I couldn't find last week) at Costco today, along with three pounds of frozen mahi-mahi and a large package of cookie, which I got for a picnic this Saturday. I had a slice of pepperoni pizza for lunch. I should have bought a rotisserie chicken.