29 December 2022 Snowy Thursday

Started by KathyB, Dec 29, 2022, 12:01 PM

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We got about eight inches of snow, which started out as rain, so it's heavy, wet snow. Right now the plows have not been through my neighborhood, so I'm sort of stuck in my garage. I could probably get out if I desperately needed to, but I don't want to try. I should shovel my driveway, speaking of things I don't really want to do.


I am not "liking" your post, Kathy, because I dislike shoveling snow too.  Any chance it will melt in the next day or two so you don't have to shovel?  Did B like going for a walk in the snow today?

Living in TX has some advantages over living in the northern part of the country.  For instance, I had the balcony door open while I worked from home today.  And I plan on sleeping with a fan in the window tonight.  Two days ago it was waaaaay too cold to do that.   
I no longer long for the old view!


I went outside to shovel and got about half the driveway done. Then I realized that people from our snow-removal company were shoveling driveways, so I gladly let them shovel the other half. I thought that we were supposed to shovel our own driveways, but maybe something has changed in the past year. 

As far as walking in the snow, B did not like it and did not poop during our morning walk, but she did poop on our afternoon walk, as well as our morning walk on Friday! Hooray!