14-JAN-24 Sunday Freezing Sunday

Started by DiveMilw, Jan 14, 2024, 03:19 PM

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It is COLD in Texas this weekend!  I guess it is cold everywhere.  We may even get some snow tonight.  Currently, we are around 18 degrees with a "real feel" of 4.  Brrrrrr.
I no longer long for the old view!


Currently it is 8° here, which is by far the warmest it's been in two days. The dog does not like to go out in this weather. She has learned that if she poops quickly, the walk can be over quickly.


[Tue 16 Jan]  It is a balmy 29º here (feels like 21º), climbing toward a blistering 30º by dinnertime.  It started snowing yesterday evening and, after many hours of gentle flurries but only an inch or so of accumulation, turned into some kind of freezing-rainish situation, which has persisted all day and left the sidewalks coated in a deceptively thin layer of slush and ice.

I pondered canceling my mom's doctor appointment today, but ended up Ubering us there, and afterward we decided to brave the (luckily not busy) midafternoon subway back, with one transfer and a two-block walk home -- taking our time to dodge a few worryingly slippery patches with, thankfully, no disasters.

Tomato soup makes being home again extra cozy.

I'm spending my $72 in box-office credit at the Shed to go see Here We Are one last time tomorrow evening with some friends before it closes on Sunday.  Sixth row, well to the right this time, the viewing angle looks to be roughly 45º off centerline (guessing from their probably-not-to-scale seating chart).  Having seen it twice before from very central eighth- and second-row seats, I'm actually wondering if the staging might be even more interesting from an oblique angle; the set is quite square, frontal and symmetrical-ish, with a deep 3/4 thrust, and those kinds of designs can sometimes be especially satisfying from vantages other than the "perfect" center seats.