09-OCT-21 Saturday

Started by DiveMilw, Oct 09, 2021, 06:31 AM

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Today is off to a good start.  I got up early enough that I'm not rushing around.  I even have time to start the Daily.  Today is the Hartford Marathon.  Usually the half marathon literally runs through my neighborhood.  This year they changed the course and won't be coming near us.  That means I don't have to worry about how I'm going to get to work.  In past years I've been boxed in by the route and have to get creative in my timing and what streets I take.  I'm going to plan on the rest of my day being this stress free!!   8)
I no longer long for the old view!


I just came back from a hockey game, which was eventually a good game. We had too many penalties in the first period, and the game was a lot closer than one would think by looking at each team's shots on goal. At least we won.

Bernadette was a good girl while I was at the game. She was not whining or scratching at the crate to be let out, and she went in by herself, without my needing to tell her to go in. :dog: