30 October 2021 Last day before the chill

Started by KathyB, Oct 30, 2021, 09:26 PM

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It was the last day in the 60s before a cold front comes through this evening, and the temperatures are not forecast to be above the 40s for Halloween.

I saw a not-very-good play tonight. It's not a good sign when I'm wondering what time it is and when it's going to end. Part of it was that my seat wasn't very comfortable. But I am so glad that I went. It was great to be able to see live theatre again, and the theatre was only a 15-minute drive from my house. It was an extremely intimate theatre, meaning that the the first row of seats (out of a total of three rows) was right up against the stage and that people needed to walk on the stage to get to their seats unless they were fabulous contortionists. Several of the audience members were checking out the framed photos on the wall of the set, and the books on the bookcases. The stage managers didn't seem to mind--they didn't say anything to the prying audience members, at least.