8 May 2023 Bored Monday

Started by KathyB, May 08, 2023, 03:17 PM

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I am sitting at McDonald Mazda bored out of my mind while waiting for my car, which was supposed to be ready half an hour ago, but there is some screw-up with the paperwork and I don't know how long it's going to take. I forgot to bring something to read, so I decided to start a thread and type everything on my phone, but it's not taking as much time as I thought it would. I am hoping to get home by 5:00, but that is looking extremely unlikely.

My phone does not like my password for this site and offered to make another one for me. My password for here is not very secure because there isn't a whole lot I do here that needs to be secure. It's not like I do any financial stuff or government stuff (besides complaining about the IRS).