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Off Topic => Daily Threads => Topic started by: KathyB on Nov 29, 2022, 11:44 AM

Title: 29 November 2022 Snow and dentistry
Post by: KathyB on Nov 29, 2022, 11:44 AM
The snow was just bad enough to make traffic awful this morning, but I did make it to the dentist on time. Nothing remarkable about my teeth; I had them cleaned and a fluoride treatment applied. I have my next two appointments set up. The snow is pretty, but I think it will be mostly gone by tomorrow, when we're supposed to have sunshine. It is cold right now. I have a strong desire to go to bed and snuggle with a dog. I turned the heat up in my house, and I still feel cold.
Title: Re: 29 November 2022 Snow and dentistry
Post by: scenicdesign71 on Nov 30, 2022, 05:20 AM
It seems like everyone I know has been feeling under the weather lately. I'm hoping the throat virus that kept me home from our final dress rehearsal a couple of weeks ago, and from TV work for several days the following week (after a brief respite during which I'd hoped it was just a 24-hour bug) means I won't get this one.  Especially because I'm finally supposed to rejoin my TV crew tomorrow and, after taking a bunch of time off to do Jack Was Kind (and Curious Incident not long before that) I can't afford to miss any more days until at least Christmas.

Speaking of which (along with dentistry): today I have to call my doctor and dentist, both of whom I'd scheduled for checkups next Monday, and try to push those appointments until the holiday -- again, so as not to take a workday off if I can help it.

My friend Isabel, in addition to feeling a lil oogy the past few days, has also been dealing with a sprained foot from several weeks ago and a costume gig that is turning out to be a headache.  When I FaceTimed with her yesterday evening, I noticed she was with her Very Good Boy (actually, technically her son's VGB whom she often dog-sits): an affable Goldendoodle named Murphy, who was curled up on a blanket next to her looking very cozy indeed.  Yesterday had been especially stressful for Isabel on the work front, so, between one thing and another, it was decided that the sensible course of action would be for her to take a mental health timeout and stay home today (it's supposed to rain all day here) for some restorative snuggling.  Murph, ever the game helper-outer, seemed very amenable to the idea.