21-DEC-20 Not Today Santa!!

Started by DiveMilw, Dec 21, 2020, 06:56 AM

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Oop!  Ack!  We missed the daily for the 19th.  I couldn't even tell you what I was doing on Saturday that I never even checked the forum.  I hope this doesn't count against us in Santa's eyes.  

Well, that isn't going to happen today. 

The birds at the bird feeder were making a racket a little bit ago.  I just went to check on them and they were gone.  Now that winter has come I've noticed that they real only come to feed in the morning.  Today they might have been interrupted by the cat I saw walking around.   :cat:
I no longer long for the old view!


Today was Hospital Monday because the swelling in my foot did not go down, nor did the pain. It turns out I've got multiple fractures in the foot, so for Christmas this year I got a present of a big boot and a pair of crutches.

It also turns out that ibuprofen does a wonderful job of taking care of both pain and swelling.