24-MAR-21 Free Friday

Started by DiveMilw, Mar 26, 2021, 08:11 AM

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Not too much happening on this overcast day.  It is supposed to clear up this afternoon.  I am extremely happy that the forecasted temps have been lowered from 84F to the mid-70s.  

Thank goodness my brother came down for a few days to help with things.  He has been able to get my mom to let him clean/organize parts of the clutter that have been building up.  This has prompted my mom to finally tackle the piles of papers on the dinning room table.  We've donated some things and thrown away other things.  There is still a long way to go but hopefully the momentum will keep things going.  I will have to try harder to convince her to let me go through things.  She never seems to want to do this when I suggest it. 

Having his eyes on things also has snapped me out of being used to seeing things as they are.  I didn't even notice how big one section of stuff had grown until he cleared it.  Most of that accumulated during the last year when she was saving things to bring in to my Dad or give to various places.  

So, let the Spring cleaning  begin!!!  Too much to tackle?  Then try my "take care of one item a day" or "10 minutes of uninterrupted cleaning each day" plan.  When you stick to it you see a difference pretty quickly and the job isn't overwhelming.
I no longer long for the old view!


10 minutes of uninterrupted cleaning sounds like as much as I can handle.


Quote from: KathyB on Mar 26, 2021, 01:46 PM10 minutes of uninterrupted cleaning sounds like as much as I can handle.
When I do this I can see a world of difference after just the first week.  Some days might be a few more minutes or a few less.  Any amount of minutes is progress!
I no longer long for the old view!