Happy 3rd of July, 2023

Started by KathyB, Jul 03, 2023, 03:48 PM

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I want to wish everybody a very happy third of July. I have no idea if anyone is celebrating this day (which my calendar lists as a non-holiday for all countries). There is almost definitely something worth celebrating, somewhere, and I celebrated by turning on the air conditioning for the first time. :( It was 83°F in the house when I walked in, and I thought that was too warm, although that's really nothing compared to what it could be. My brain is telling my heat center that I'm a wimp, and I could have been one of the truly energy-efficient people and waited at least until it got up to 90°F inside, and my heat center is telling my brain that's bullcrap.

I have zero desire to go out in the (non)heat to take the dog for a walk. It's only 91° outside. I feel like a sellout. Although the dog also has zero desire to go out in it.

That's the answer--I turned on the AC for the dog.  ::)


Quote from: KathyB on Jul 03, 2023, 03:48 PMThat's the answer--I turned on the AC for the dog.  ::)

And that was so kind and thoughtful of you!    :-* :dog: O:-)

It has rarely (and then, barely) broken 90˚ here this year, but even so, I've had my AC on sporadically for several weeks now.  Somehow the humidity this year -- or could it possibly have something to do with the air pollution from the wildfires?? -- feels more oppressive than usual, even though the temperatures haven't been all that high (lately mostly topping out in the mid-80s by day and then sinking back down into the 70s or even high 60s at night).

We've also been getting rain at least twice a week for the past several weeks; not in huge quantities, but it always seems to catch the temps whenever they start getting up toward (or into) the 90s, and cool things off at least temporarily.  But it leaves a sort of grimy stickiness in its wake that's almost worse than heat.


Yes, Kathy, you deserve an award for your selfless act of kindness.  Turning on the air conditioning for B is the type of act which earns you points to get you into the heaven of your choice.   O:-)
I no longer long for the old view!