3 October 2017 Why I'm glad for procrastination

Started by KathyB, Oct 03, 2017, 01:21 PM

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In another daily thread, I was complaining that I hadn't upgraded the operating system on my laptop, even though it was with the very best of intentions that I was planning to over the weekend.

Well, my desktop just gave up the ghost (I think--I'm hoping I can still resurrect it), and I've had to move a lot of things onto my laptop, so now I'm glad I don't have that extra learning curve just yet because I don't think my brain can handle it. I can't deal with learning something new when I'm in crisis mode. 

I think it's the main hard drive of the desktop that decided to go sayonara to this beautiful earth of ours. I may be able to get a new hard drive and get things going again--or I can maybe just accept that the desktop needs to be put to rest because it is a trilobite in terms of computer evolution. (Beyond dinosaur, that is.)

I'm still in crisis mode.

Somebody quote me some good lyrics that will pick me up. Please?


Hey Kathy, No one is alone.  We had a hard drive fail in one of our PCs this week.  Hopefully, I'll be getting a replacement PC sent to me tomorrow so I can swap it out.  
I no longer long for the old view!


I think now it's the power supply, because I can't start up from three different hard drives.

I also don't know what I'm talking about, because I don't really know what a power supply is or how to replace it. It just sounds like a likely suspect to blame.

I am thinking about getting a nice, new iMac, as soon as I figure out how to get the data off my hard drives.