April 3, 2018 - Just a Post Before I Go

Started by Chris L, Apr 03, 2018, 11:36 PM

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Chris L

...to bed. Didn't want to leave the Daily section empty and it's still the third on the West Coast. We started watching NBC's Jesus Chris Superstar telecast tonight, but I was called away by a client to do some editing before we got far. It looks fantastic, though, as good a production as I've seen, and this is a show that I've always loved. Lloyd Webber peaked early with this one and even Tim Rice was at the top of his game in this show. The cast does it justice here, except for the somewhat soporific John Legend. It's rare for these NBC productions to equal their stage counterparts, but they've finally pulled it off by refusing to open it up into full cinematic form and leaving it where it's always belonged -- on a concert stage.
But us, old friend,
What's to discuss, old friend?