16-MAY-18 Storm Clean Up

Started by DiveMilw, May 16, 2018, 01:04 PM

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We had some BIG weather last night in the Northeast.  My town didn't see much action but places close by had hail, very high winds, tornadoes and more. 

On the work side of things, only two flights this morning were delayed and none canceled.  That's pretty good considering they evacuated the control tower at one point last night.  We also had a "bonus" flight this morning.  Our 6 PM departure to Dallas came in around 8 AM this morning after diverting to Rochester, NY last evening.  It left about 15 hours late but it still went and with a good number of people on it! (although it wasn't close to full so those one it had a spacious flight)
I no longer long for the old view!