24 May 2018 Thursday

Started by KathyB, May 24, 2018, 08:35 AM

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I had a very nice ride with a Lyft driver who was a native Coloradoan and had the Broncos paraphernalia all over the inside of his vehicle to prove it. :) Actually, we didn't talk sports much--we talked about how the city is growing so fast that it's out of control and how rents and home prices are skyrocketing, and of course about traffic.

How much are you supposed to tip a Lyft driver? I wasn't prepared, so I only had $2.00 for a 10 mile ride. (I also don't know how much the trip was, because the car service department paid for it.)

I know I'm paranoid about undertipping, and I'll usually provide a waitperson 20% even when they haven't done anything spectacular, just because I'm paranoid. And haircuts! I go to a beauty school where the haircuts are only $6, but it seems cheap to give anything less than $2 to the student who does my hair.