November 8th - simple pleasures

Started by Gordonb, Nov 08, 2018, 05:27 AM

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One of the many things I am enjoying about living here in Turkey is that this morning I did 2 loads of laundry and hung them out on the washing line - by about 3pm everything was dry and sun-toasted and had that wonderful scent of air-dried laundry. 

As I alluded to in the heading "simple pleasures". 

I am sure that before long the day will come when I won't be able to dry laundry outside but until then this "simple pleasures" makes me very happy.

It also makes me happy that I am away from the madness of the UK political scene (and the US scene too!)

One thing that does NOT make me happy is that I don't seem to be able to get the new Netflix season of "House of Cards"; Rey is watching it at home in London 😢. 


My HOA doesn't allow clotheslines outdoors. :( I tried hanging one across my laundry room from corner to corner, but it was more trouble than it was worth.

Chris L

@Gordonb - Do they have Netflix in Turkey? Or some equivalent of Netflix? It not, how can life be worth living?  ;D
But us, old friend,
What's to discuss, old friend?


Quote from: Chris L on Nov 08, 2018, 05:40 PM@Gordonb - Do they have Netflix in Turkey? Or some equivalent of Netflix? It not, how can life be worth living?  ;D
They do and we do so now that it's getting cooler in the evenings we can "Netflix & chill"  . As I said earlier I'm not getting the new House of Cards although Rey is in London.  I've been talking to an internet/tv provider locally and he promises that within the next few days he'll be able to set me up with an  all-singing-and-dancing package which will provide live BBC and other uk tv stations plus assorted film channels. I'll believe it when I see it!

I did get series 1 and 2 of The Good Place but sadly series 3 hasn't yet made it to Turkey.

One good thing about having limited tv watching opportunities is that I am reading much more, playing Words with Friends, walking Pepe the dog and going to bed at sensible times. I don't miss the trash I used to watch and I will need to be careful when we do get better tv that I don't fall back into the old ways ...


"The Good Place" season 3 was available in Australia on Netflix but is not here in the USA.  Hulu has season 3 so I'm not being deprived.  It was wonderful (and a bit compelling) watching season 3 in Australia because 
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they all move to Sydney.  It really made me feel like I was part of the gang.  LOL
I no longer long for the old view!