22-NOV-18 Happy (American) Thanksgiving!!

Started by DiveMilw, Nov 22, 2018, 01:31 PM

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I'm about to head over to my brother's in-law's house to enjoy the end of Thanksgiving dinner.  I worked today until 14:30 and needed a quick nap before I drove over.  Our last flight today was at 10:30 AM.  I spent the rest of the day catching up on online training and doing our Secret Santa.

Which segways into......I know it is late notice but do we want to do the Secret Sondheim this year?  There is still time to put it together.  If there is interest I will do it.  
I no longer long for the old view!


I am definitely interested in the Secret Sondheim if there is any other interest. I've found a whole bunch of stuff I want.  ;D  Although I have to figure out how someone can give Amazon digital music, since it isn't available in physical format... (Seriously—does anybody know how to give a gift of digital music? I've never done it before.)

Today is the 160th birthday of the City of Denver (as I found out on the radio today)! It doesn't look a day over 155... ;)


Chris L

Count me in. I'd love to give (and receive) my gift digitally, so I'll get back about the topic as soon as possible, but I think we should allow this to be both optional and explicitly specified by the gift recipient. Asking someone if they wouldn't mind getting an e-gift seems just a tad cheap.
But us, old friend,
What's to discuss, old friend?