30 June 2019 Serene Sunday

Started by KathyB, Jun 30, 2019, 01:13 PM

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Not a lot going on today, which explains the serenity. I finally got the check I had been expecting for two weeks. It looks as if it's about to begin storming soon. And it's another slim pickins' birthday day today. The best I could find were Michael Phelps and David Allen Grier. It's also the birthday of a Korean singer named N.


Happy Pride/Stonewall 50!

I did nothing really Pride-related this weekend, but I did go to the Folsom St. East street fair last weekend, so I figure I was just front-loading my pridefulness at the beginning of the week.

Plus, I was there with a nifty new(ish) friend who had managed to coax me out of my apartment to enjoy the gorgeous weather.  (And repairing to his place for the night wasn't such a shabby denouement, either).

But that was last weekend; he's in Australia for the next couple weeks; and I've been feeling lazy this weekend.  I did finish watching the first season of Pose this morning.  And I've still got most of the new Tales of the City to get through.  So I'll have some leftover gay pride to carry me into July.

Workwise, I have perhaps another month on Heights.  After that I'll be back to M.Sec.  And somewhere in there I'm designing a small play which opens in November at The New School (but the designs are due in August/September).  So tomorrow after work, I'm going to look at the space with Kareem.

A very nice summer so far.