18 January 2020 Laundry Saturday

Started by KathyB, Jan 18, 2020, 12:46 PM

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Yes, I did laundry today, and it was a big accomplishment--but what would be even bigger would be if I would start working on the newsletter that I've now put off for 6 days. Part of that six days was because I originally had planned to start work on it this weekend instead of last weekend (they were actually early in getting me some of the materials), but now that this weekend is here, I don't particularly feel like working on it--plus, they owe me some major pieces that will affect the layout of the pages, and I just found out about THOSE on Tuesday, and I don't know when they will get here. I realize I'm making excuses by now.

So today is "Get off your butt and get to work" Saturday as well as Laundry Saturday.

It's also a beautiful day outside.