3 May 2020 boring book Sunday

Started by KathyB, May 03, 2020, 10:33 AM

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It is Sunday morning, and I am trying to finish a very boring novel about a prep school and eating disorders. It's probably intended as social satire, but I'm just finding it uninteresting. This comes right after I finished a boring novel about a woman in India and her sister with Down Syndrome.

I guess I'm just trying to find something to do now that I can't watch HBONow any more.

The highlight of my day so far has been doing laundry. I'm thinking about going out to get some spring rolls, which should replace the laundry as my highlight.


The highlight of my day has actually been ordering a new printer from Best Buy, which should be here by Tuesday or Wednesday. I haven't been able to print in so long, this should be exciting.

The spring rolls were delicious.