11-MAR-21 Fruity Fiber

Started by DiveMilw, Mar 11, 2021, 06:21 AM

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Thanks to my new Blendtec blender I've gotten in the habit of making a smoothie in the morning.  I got a little carried away today.  I put just about every smoothie ingredient I had into this one. Last night I put some blueberries, mandarin orange segments, a large handful of "super greens", and avocado into a container which I then froze. In addition to the banana I planned on using, I added an apple because it had some bruise spots which were going bad.  I used the avocado and orange for much the same reason. The avocado was getting too ripe and the oranges were starting to get dried out.  Then I had the brilliant idea to use up some dried apricots and add some sweetness with a few dried dates.  A couple of powdered supplements and some coco powder topped everything off.  

It could use more coco powder as the chocolate taste doesn't come through as much as I hoped.  However, it is definitely full of fiber and maybe a tad too sweet.  The drink is filling though.  I am enjoying my smoothie experimentation each morning.
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