16-JUL-22 Dryer Saturday

Started by DiveMilw, Jul 16, 2022, 05:52 AM

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Two days ago it was extremely humid.  And it was a tricky humid.  You didn't notice how bad it was until you got into air conditioning.  Yesterday was very pleasant and today seems like it is going to be the same.  The humidity has gone down to a comfortable level.  On Thursday I didn't want to be anywhere at work where I couldn't have a fan blowing directly on me.  That wasn't the case yesterday and based on when I went outside this morning to get the newspaper that trend will continue.  Needless to say, I'm thrilled.  :)
I no longer long for the old view!


Hi there,

I am back here cuz I am missing 'the old view'.  Happy Saturday!!! 

I am just here in California getting used to covid and theater. My last show closed since half the cast got covid. I was down for a month with it, and that was our entire run. I am just trying to be thankful for all the wonderful work I got to do during rehearsals, though I keep praying that we can resurrect the show down the road since it was magical. 

In the meantime, we are just looking for a future home in Tennessee, so I will be experiencing that humidity myself soon. 

Thats the news from Lake Wobegon. Where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking, and all the children are above average.

A blank page or canvas. My favorite.


You know that genie with 3 wishes and you get to pick?  Well my first would now be to fall asleep THE MINUTE I lie down in bed.  I want to think I'm young still but...I ain't.  And Apnea sucks.