23 December 2022 Friday

Started by KathyB, Dec 23, 2022, 03:58 PM

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Today is not quite as cold as yesterday was. I think the high temperature yesterday was something like 0°F, and I saw that it got up at least to 8°F today (maybe even warmer--I didn't check the weather most of the day). It did get quite cold at night both last night and the night before, and it was apparently so cold that the dog would not even pee--she sat down and wouldn't move, so I picked her up and took her home; she later pooped in the living room. This morning, she peed several times outside, and even pooped, for which I praised her effusively, and I had an extremely difficult time picking it up because it was so cold. She also peed and pooped on our afternoon walk, so that's a sign that the weather is warming up.

I really, really need to do laundry. Maybe if I say how badly it needs to be done in a public place, I'll be shamed into actually doing it.