27 December 2022 Tuesday

Started by KathyB, Dec 27, 2022, 02:08 PM

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Right now it is approximately 75° warmer than it was at this time last Thursday. (It's 63° outside, and I think we're going for a walk without a coat for either of us.) It's cloudy, which makes it look not as warm as it is. I'm looking out the window, and it looks like all the snow we got on Thursday is gone, so that should make for a nice walk.

Sorry to everybody who is still stuck in bitter cold.


Here, we've come back from bitter cold (aughts to low teens, with subzero wind-chills) to just normal-seasonal cold: a couple of hours past sunset, we're still at 31° with a wind-chill of 27°.  But by this time next week, they're claiming we'll break 60°, which would be lovely.

I missed the last few days of TV work before our two-week holiday hiatus began, due to a positive Covid test which thankfully brought no noticeable symptoms but still kept me cooped-up in self-quarantine for a week and a half before I felt safe to see my mom again for Christmas weekend.  (It also caused me to miss the closing of Jack Was Kind, to which I'd hoped to bring another friend, after having had the most delightful time in recent memory sharing the show, and dinner afterward, with a small group of set-designer friends the previous weekend).

Prior to my being benched by Covid, we'd been working at my TV job on several sizable new studio sets which aren't due for filming until mid-January; so when we return to work late next week, we'll be finishing up those sets in a nice toasty-warm stage environment.  Still, there's always plenty of location work somewhere in the mix -- seemingly more of it this season than in seasons past, and more studio sets as well.  In fact, even with all the studio work happening, on what ended up being my last day of work this calendar year, I unexpectedly got sent for a few hours to a pleasantly short afternoon on location (indoors in a midtown Manhattan office building, though it was a sunny and almost unseasonably warm day anyway, so it wouldn't have been so bad even if the scant hour or two of work had been outdoors).  But it's likely that there will be at least a few cold outdoor workdays at some point before we wrap Season 3 in March.  A few weeks ago I bought myself some new Under Armour shirts and leggings, replacing some old ones that had lost their stretch, just to be prepared.