16-Jan-23 MLK Monday

Started by DiveMilw, Jan 16, 2023, 08:12 AM

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In the USA it is Martin Luther King, Jr Day which is a federal holiday so I have off work.  If I was still at the airport I would be working.  I am working in Phoenix this week so I took advantage of that and the three day weekend and have been at my friend's house in Scottsdale since Saturday night.  The weather has been on the colder side and rainy/drizzly but the sun was out for a bit yesterday.   I went to two art shows while I was running around and if I just had a few tens of thousands of dollars I would own some very cool pieces of art.  :)

The rainy weather hasn't dampened my spirits.  The water means everything is quite green.  it also mean the weeds in the "yard" are out of control.  By yard, I mean the stones which surround the house by 15 feet on all sides.  There is a front "yard" too with various cactus plants.  I will do a few minutes of weeding before I leave this afternoon but I will barely make a dent.  Weeding is interesting because once you start you don't want to stop until all of the weeds are gone.  Or maybe that is just my compulsion.   ;D  I bought myself a pair of weeding gloves two years ago.  They have gotten some use.  It would be a shame if I didn't use them this trip.  Why do I keep talking about weeding?  Because I am trying to psych myself up to get out there sooner rather than later.  
I no longer long for the old view!


I stepped outside to take these photos.  A light rain is failing and it is very cold due to the dampness in the air.  One good thing about the cold:  The rattlesnakes won't be active so I don't have to worry about them.  
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This is half of the backyard.  Most of the weeds are tufts of grass.  Every so often you find something prickly and that is why you need to wear gloves when you weed.  Some of the weeds fight back.  
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This side of the house must get more sun or something.  None of that green should be there!
I no longer long for the old view!