Jonathan Tunick

Started by scenicdesign71, Oct 28, 2023, 07:01 AM

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Because he quite obviously ought to have his own thread.

Copied from the HERE WE ARE thread, from about a month ago:

Headline notwithstanding, Reidel's article (below) actually makes no pretense of having anything to say about HWA per se; at the time of the interview, Tunick was constrained by a company-wide NDA from discussing the show.  But it's nevertheless lovely to hear from him, as one seldom does:

Putting It Together:
How do you complete a Stephen Sondheim musical without Stephen Sondheim?
Call for Jonathan Tunick.





PlaybillInside Orchestrator Jonathan Tunick's Project to Make Sondheim's Scores Sound Bigger
                             A re-orchestrated version of A Little Night Music will premiere at Lincoln Center.  Tunick says Sweeney Todd is next.

I do hope they record this.  I'd love to see it, and there are plenty of tickets still available at the moment, but they start at $148 for the nosebleeds and go up to $338 for almost anything on the orchestra or first-mezzanine levels.  I'll keep an eye on the prices, though, just in case they prove dynamic enough to swerve toward more-affordability.


NYT:  Where Can Sondheim's Operatic Musicals Find a Home?
              Jonathan Tunick, Stephen Sondheim's longtime collaborator, unveiled a grand
              orchestration of A Little Night Music that deserves more than a concert.

Quote from: Joshua Barone, New York Times, 28 June, 2024In the past, [Night Music] was programmed at New York City Opera, which is now more or less dead.

Ouch.  Granted, as to the point he's making, it's hard to imagine NYCO remounting their much-loved 1990 production anytime soon, even without Tunick's sumptuous new orchestration (which I trust will be recorded sooner than later, though Barone's complaints with this particular showcase -- underrehearsed, balance issues, sluggish tempi -- have been widespread enough to make the concert, whose brief limited run ended last night, seem a weak candidate for recording).  Still, "more or less dead" is harsh; City Opera does still exist, albeit not at the scale of its glory days.