17-OCT-17 A Tuesdayish Tuesday!

Started by DiveMilw, Oct 17, 2017, 11:22 AM

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For one of my co-workers today is his Friday.  For me it is my Tuesday!!  Yippee!!!  I have a normal week this week.  And it will be followed by a three day weekend!!!  

As I pulled into the driveway the other day there was kooky chaos going on in our yard.  A bunch of small birds had invaded the front lawn and most took off as I drove in.  I had to break for two chipmunks who were engaged in mortal combat.  They were zipping around, back and forth across the driveway.  And then there were a couple of mourning doves walking around.  I think this is the same pair I've seen for the past several weeks.  
I no longer long for the old view!