28-JUL-20 Till Tuesday

Started by DiveMilw, Jul 28, 2020, 10:54 AM

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A week ago right this minute I was picking up my rental car in Milwaukee.  I had a wonderful vacation which only happened because I needed to go out to visit an ill relative.  I'm not happy she is ill, but I am glad I was able to travel out to see her.  I ended the trip with a visit with my friend, Dori, her husband and their cats.  (Indoor cats: Smacky, Pippin, Marcus, Cosmo, Dufner, Arya.  Outdoor cats: Ma Kitty, Pico, Theon.  There are a few more outdoor cats but they are pretty feral and only come to the house at night to get fed. Sometimes they don't come to the house and you have to feed them in the barn.  I didn't see any of them this trip.)   I saw their llamas and gave them grain but we didn't really spend much quality time together.  I brought home bratwrurst and lots of different cheeses.  It was a very nice vacation, indeed!!
I no longer long for the old view!


Yum--bratwurst. I might have to pick some up the next time I go to Costco, even though that's not quite the same as bringing some home from Wisconsin.

The cool snap continues, and I'm very grateful for it. I realize that if we were getting these temperatures in April, it would be considered a "warm snap," but right now I'm feeling really comfortable with the window open and the ceiling fan going.