24-OCT-20 Take Back Saturday

Started by DiveMilw, Oct 24, 2020, 08:16 AM

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Our town is having a prescription drug take back day today. Usually I work on Saturdays so I can't take part.  But I'm off today (actually, I picked up a closing shift tonight but doesn't count)  so I can help get some old drugs out of the house.  They are taking back out of date over the counter pills as well.  It's amazing how much stuff we have is out of date.  Going through the bottles I've learned that we aren't consuming pain relievers like we used to. I can stop buying the giant economy size bottles.  That is good news!

It also brought home how much time has passed since my trip to China.  The preventative medications we bought for that trip are seven years old.  How quickly the time has gone by since that wonderful trip.
I no longer long for the old view!