10 February 2021 Wednesday

Started by KathyB, Feb 10, 2021, 04:13 PM

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This week has seemed so long already that it should be Friday, but that's still a long way off. :(

Maybe it just seems long because I had an extremely long Lyft ride. There is no easy way to get from where I was back home. 

I really have nothing to say about today. Apologies if it's anyone's birthday.


My coworkers and I are working eight-hour days this week instead of the usual ten (there's just not all that much to do at the moment), and while we're all pretty happy about getting out at 2:15 and home by (in my case) 3pm, it's surprisingly not making the week pass any faster.

I've been using the two extra hours to get not only plentiful but excessive sleep, so much that it's messing with my circadian rhythm.  To wit: this afternoon I dozed off sometime before 5pm after eating a late lunch, and just woke up an hour or so ago feeling fully rested and wondering how to go about getting in another couple hours (?) of sleep before 5:30am when I leave for work.

It's hibernating season, I guess: the past few nights I've been sleeping for nine or ten hours, hence feeling so well-rested this evening after just five or six.  The week, while draggy, hasn't been terrible: there have been some enjoyable projects, and the relaxed pace has given me a chance to practice my graffiti technique -- a skill set which had always interested AND intimidated me, but which I've had to face head-on now that I'm working full-time on a show about NYC drug dealers in the early 90s.  (It helps that we have an accomplished graffiti artist from that time on our crew, whose instruction and encouragement is hugely appreciated).

The upcoming three-day weekend probably makes the preceding week seem even slower for all of us.  And in my case, I've got a project of my own coming up which will take me out of the Kanan mix for two weeks starting shortly after Presidents Day.  It'll mean sacrificing a couple of nice TV paychecks, but the chance to design something (for the first time in almost three years!!!), and to work safely from home while doing so, is welcome indeed.  I'll post more in the Streaming Theatre thread about this project as it develops, or perhaps start a new one if the urge to bloviate really overtakes me.