19 July 2024 TGIF

Started by KathyB, Jul 19, 2024, 04:04 PM

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It's supposed to be cooler this weekend--80s. I am looking forward to it.

I got myself a TENS machine for Prime Day because my occupational therapist recommended it, and my shoulder muscles are now sore from being electro-stimulated. I am supposed to use it twice a day for 10 minutes each time. Fortunately it was discounted 25% for Prime Day, and there was also a 10% off coupon. I don't know if this is considered a legitimate medical expense to the IRS.

I found out that King Soopers will deliver groceries for a flat $6.95 fee, with no tip necessary and no neighborhood improvement fee. I now have eight paper bags from the home delivery service that I need to find a use for.

Happy Friday to everyone!


After painting derelict-mental-hospital sets (actually in a former prison) for my new TV job over the past month, I'm now Camera Scenic-ing the show for the next couple of months.  Our first (partial) week out on location has been nice and not too grueling, though I expect to be worn down to a nub by the time we wrap in about two months — especially after some difficulties this evening which left me feeling a bit dejected.  Live and learn; I'll do better next time (and as easy as it is for me to beat myself up, everyone on set was thankfully very gracious).

Our leading man was announced a few days ago, but there are some other notable players (including at least three well-known Broadway regulars) who haven't been, so I won't give anything away here.  But I exchanged a polite smile with one of them earlier today (fortunately, she was wrapped for the day and long gone by the time I mislaid my basic thinking skills —never mind my painting ability — under extreme time pressure this evening); and I'm excited to meet the others next week.  Or to re-meet them:  I've technically worked with these other two, once each, in theatrical settings years ago, though they'd have no reason at all to remember me even if they did in fact lay eyes on me in those earlier contexts (which I wouldn't swear to, in either case).

Meanwhile, here's to learning from one's mistakes... and to spending the next couple of weeks in our creepy prison-cum-studio, on those hospital sets — rather than out on location — where things should hopefully be a little less hectic.