9 November 2017 Thursday

Started by KathyB, Nov 09, 2017, 03:24 PM

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This has been a semi-productive day. I did two loads of laundry and worked on a freelance project. I also read a few chapters of the latest book I'm reading, and listened to a podcast.

Tonight I plan to watch the Jeopardy! tournament of champions and read some more. Sounds like an exciting day, huh?  ::)


Reading sounds good!  I need to do more reading.  I'm way behind on my Goodreads reading challenge.  Part of the problem was that I was reading all five of the Game of Thrones books this year.  They are loooooong.  But also I haven't been as much of a reader as I have in years past.  I guess it is a lull year for me this year.  But I've borrowed some entertaining, easy to read, fluff mysteries and that will help to get me back on track to make my goal.  They are literally fluff because they feature dogs.   :dog: :dog: :dog:   Plus, I've got the second book in Donna's Gemeta Stone trilogy to devour!  It just came out this week so you can order it if you haven't already. 
I no longer long for the old view!