07-FEB-2020 The Day of Oversales

Started by DiveMilw, Feb 07, 2020, 11:47 AM

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I started out the day with a flight that had a downgraded aircraft and 17 more passengers than we had seats on the plane.  The next two flights I worked were better with "only" 6 & 7 oversales each.  Fortunately, I have great co-workers and am very good at my job.  We rocked those flights and got them all out on time, no yelling when we had to deny boarding, and didn't lose our minds.  For a crappy day it was a good day.
I no longer long for the old view!


I have still got whatever cold I managed to pick up, only now it's accompanied by a voice that sounds like I've been smoking for 40 years and a diaphragm that hurts from coughing so much. Delightful.