09-AUG-2020 Sausage Roll Sunday

Started by DiveMilw, Aug 09, 2020, 10:21 AM

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This morning I finally made the sausage roll I was thinking of making last Tuesday or Wednesday.  I bought the ingredients but either didn't have time, wasn't feeling like baking, or it was too hot to turn on the oven.  This time I sprinkled on some dried Penzey's frozen pizza seasoning before I rolled it up.  I also noticed that I did not cut the mozzarella cheese into chunks as small as I have in the past.  Some of the pieces were bigger than I'd like but a) it was a little late to cut them smaller & b) I thought I'd see what happens.  The store had a beer pizza dough which I tried this time.  Not sure it will make much difference to the taste of the sausage roll but it is fun to try new things.  

Aside from pulling some weeds in the front yard that has pretty much been my day so far.  Now it's time for me to get ready for work.

Have a great Sunday everyone!!
I no longer long for the old view!