27-SEP-20 Last Day Sunday

Started by DiveMilw, Sep 27, 2020, 09:51 AM

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It is the last day of work for my co-worker Charlene.  She is taking advantage of the early retirement package the company offered.  We are having a small celebration for her.  I'll miss Charlene.  She's one of the nicest, most caring people you could meet.  She is especially good at helping me center myself and not be "judgey".  This is important when dealing with the wide variety of the public that you see at the airport.  Everyone has something going on in their lives and comes from different places.  Charlene, just by being herself, reminds me of that and that allows me to take a step back when my instinct might be to only view things from my point of view.  I'm not sure if I expressed that so it makes sense to others  but I hope you get the gist. 
I no longer long for the old view!