27-JAN-22 Escape Thursday

Started by DiveMilw, Jan 27, 2022, 02:29 AM

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I'm leaving for WI (and then FL on Sunday) today.  I feel like I'm running away from the N'oreaster which is headed this way.  The snow is supposed to start Friday morning with snow showers.  Then late in the evening the snow will start in earnest coming down at rates of .6 inch per hour until midnight.  They are still perfecting the forecast but 12-18" of snow is currently estimated depending on the model.   :o
On Tuesday I made arrangements to have our sidewalks and driveway shoveled/plowed.  I more comfortable leaving knowing that my mom won't be trapped in the house until I get back.  And that I won't come back having to snow blow in order to get the car in the driveway.
I no longer long for the old view!