20-JAN-25 MLK Day and Discord Server

Started by DiveMilw, Jan 20, 2025, 10:17 AM

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Happy Martin Luther King, Jr Day.  The National Civil Rights Museum is hosting an in-person and virtual event "Community Over Chaos: King Day 2025" which seems doubly significant today.  

In weather news.....it is FREEZING here in Texas.  Insulation is something only the homes of the "privileged" were built with so the rest of us need to drip the water taps overnight and into the late morning until the temps rise above freezing.  In about two days the temperatures will soar back into the 50s.  The weather here is chaos.  

As an alternate to the Facebook group, Jennifer started a Discord server.  It is set up similarly to the board with the primary difference is it is more mobile technology friendly.  If you'd like to join here is a link:  https://discord.gg.EwGYnY9T   It will be active for 7 days.  I am not going to hyperlink it to try and foil the bots.  
I no longer long for the old view!


Freezing would be a nice temperature to reach. It is 10°F here. I believe this is the warmest it has been all weekend, but I don't feel like doing the research necessary to confirm this. I just know it's been frigid since Saturday, but I do have a furnace and an insulated house (and a dog).  


I'm thinking of closing this site due to lack of interest. The domain is $12 a year and the server is $6 a month. I have two other sites on it but I don't really need those anymore. If it weren't for this forum, I could probably just get rid of the whole server. I just checked out discord and I see there's a big group there at least for now. Maybe you guys can go there instead. Since even with the mass exodus from Facebook, nobody has any interest in the forum save for you three, it's hard to justify the cost and effort. Incidentally, if you want to join the discord Jennifer set up, you need to replace the last dot in Tom's link with a forward slash. So gg/Ew....